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Client Confidentiality

The Fond du Lac Human Services staff are required to attend training on the Privacy Act of 1974 and to follow the requirements set forth in that Act. All client information is kept absolutely confidential. Information is shared with non-Fond du Lac health and social services providers only with a written consent from the client. An exception to this rule is in matters of mandatory reporting. Clients may request to see their own records as long as the request is in writing and advance notice is given to the department. For more information on the matter, please contact the Division Director.

Client Rights

Every person who receives services from the Fond du Lac Human Services Division has the right to:

  • Considerate and respectful treatment.
  • Receive from the staff person supervising his/her care complete and current information regarding his/her diagnosis, treatment, care plans and outcomes in language the client can reasonably be expected to understand. In cases in which it is not advisable to give the information to the client, the information may be made available to an appropriate person on his/her behalf. Information, which is legally confidential, such as a child abuse report, is not available to the client.
  • Know by name and specialty the person responsible for his/her case coordination.
  • Every consideration of his/her social, religious and cultural traditions.
  • Privacy and respect as it relates to his/her care program. Case discussion, consultation, examination and treatment are confidential and should be dealt with as such.
  • Expect reasonable responses to his/her questions.
  • Inquire and review information concerning how the Fond du Lac Human Services Division relates to other health and social services agencies in relation to his/her care.
  • Expect reasonable continuity of care.
  • Be fully informed of services available in the Fond du Lac Human Services Division, related charges and fees and times of office hours.
  • Participate or refuse participation in his/her care planning.
  • Be encouraged or assisted to understand and exercise his/her client rights without restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination or reprisal.
  • Confidentiality in the treatment of his/her records.
  • Not be expected to perform services for, or in any way feel obligated to the Fond du Lac staff.
  • Refuse to participate in experimental research.
  • Change primary physicians or dentists if other qualified physicians or dentists are available within the organization.
  • Express grievances and/or offer suggestions to the organization by contacting the Division Director.

Client Responsibilities

  • Keep all appointments. Notify us as soon as possible if you need to miss your appointment.
  • Provide staff with accurate information.
  • Follow your treatment plans.
  • Treat staff with respect and courtesy.

Mandatory Reporting

Human Services Division staff who work directly with clients are required by law to report suspected child abuse, observed misconduct or physical misconduct to the appropriate authorities immediately.