Hunting / Fishing Seasons & Limits
Click on the links below for information about the Hunting and Fishing Seasons & Limits for both on the Fond du Lac Reservation, and on the 1837 and 1854 Ceded Territories.
2024 Spring Spearing & Netting
2023/24 Hunting & Trapping Seasons and Limits
Hunting Seasons and Regulations for 1837 and 1842 Ceded Territories of WI, MI, and MN
Trapping Seasons and Regulations for 1837 and 1842 Ceded Territories of WI and MN
Conservation Code Ordinances:
#3-90 On-Reservation Conservation Code
#2-92 1854 Ceded Territory Conservation Code
#2-97 1837 Ceded Territory Conservation Code
#1-12 Wisconsin 1837 and 1842 Ceded Territory Conservation Code
#2-12 Michigan 1842 Ceded Territory Conservation Code
#3-12 Ceded Territory National Forest Gathering Code
Fond du Lac band members and members of other Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission member bands can find additional information on hunting, trapping and gathering in the 1837 and 1842 Ceded Territories at the link below or by contacting the FDL Resource Management Division Office. Individual bands may have adopted seasons and regulations which are more conservative than the model codes and band members should check with their tribal offices before going in the field.