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Housing Division


Welcome to the Fond du Lac Housing Division website. The Housing Division provides quality housing and housing assistance to Fond du Lac Band members. Please use the links above to find out more about our programs.

Rent Notice: As of February 1, 2021, rents and any voluntary Payroll and Per Capita deductions will be collected. Click here to read the notice letter.

Mission Statement:
The mission of the housing program of the Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa is to develop, operate and maintain affordable housing activities. These activities will be solely for the purpose of providing decent, safe, sanitary housing and support services for the families of the Fond du Lac tribe in a manner that promotes: serviceability, economy, efficiency, stability and the economic and social well-being of the Fond du Lac Indian people.

Housing Construction Bids - Information about any open bids for Housing construction projects.

Policies & Procedures - Information about the Housing Division's policies for current and potential residents.

Income Guidelines & Applications - Good information for new home buyers, plus needed forms and applications.

Housing Programs - FDL Housing program descriptions and various agency resource contact information

Home Care Tips - Articles and links to good information about home care and maintenance.

Associated Links - Links to informative housing and related programs websites.

Address any comments, suggestions or questions to:

(218) 878-8050