Revised Water Quality Standards
The Fond du Lac Environmental Program is providing public notice of the availability for review of the Fond du Lac Band’s draft revised water quality standards. The Fond du Lac Band is required under the Clean Water Act to periodically review and propose changes, if necessary or appropriate, to our federally approved water quality standards, and to provide opportunities for public input. These draft revised standards can be viewed below, along with supporting documentation for the proposed changes. Hard copies are available at the Fond du Lac Tribal Center, FDL Resource Management and Tribal Court, the Cloquet, Sawyer, and Brookston Community Centers, and the Cloquet Public Library.
If you have questions or comments about Fond du Lac water quality standards, please contact Nancy Schuldt, Water Projects Coordinator at 218-878-7110, or email at: [email protected]
Mailing address: 1720 Big Lake Road, Cloquet, MN 55720
Water Quality Standards (WQS) Approval Documents:
FDL Ordinance 12/98 - WQS as amended 7-8-2020
Certification of Proper Adoption of Tribal WQS
USEPA Region 5 Transmittal Letter
Triennial WQS Review - Responses to Comments
Resolution 1321/20 - Amending Fond du Lac WQS
Informational Documents:
Notice of Seeking Public Comment on Revised Water Quality Standards - 9/28/18
Copy of Draft Revised Water Quality Standards
Supporting technical documentation
Evaluation of a Field-Based Aquatic Life Benchmark for Specific Conductance in NE Minnesota
Lake-specific Numerical Nutrient Criteria
Lake-specific Numerical Nutrient Criteria: Phytoplankton Rapid Assay Analysis
Health Impact Assessment - Appendix B
Health Impact Assessment - Appendix C
Wild Rice Iron and Sulfur Cycling
Wild Rice Iron Sulfide Formation on Root Surfaces published article
The Food That Grows Out Of The Water - Economic Benefits of Wild Rice in MN
The Food That Grows Out Of The Water Website