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Invasive Species News & Events


Invasive Species News

Minnesotans Receiving Mystery Seeds from China - The invasive species program has received information that people in Minnesota have been receiving packages of unknown seed mixes from China. If you receive one of these packages please do not throw away or plant the seed. Instead please contact the Arrest the Pest line at 1-888-545-6684 or [email protected]s and provide your name, contact information, and the date the package was received. More information can be found on the MDA's website or by contacting Kelsey Taylor with the invasive species program.

Goats at Work - Eating Invasive Species - Using goats to control invasive Buckthorn.
Goats at Work Story

Chinese Mystery Snail Found in West Twin Lake - Invasive species found in local lake.
Chinese Mystery Snail Story

Preventing the Spread of Invasive Species and the Fond du Lac Invasive Species Program - The biggest management effort with invasive species is PREVENTION.
Preventing the Spread of Invasive Species Story

Invasive Species Events