Environmental Brownfields Program
What is a Brownfields Site?
As defined by the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act – In general, a Brownfield site means “real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant, including a site that is contaminated by a controlled substance, petroleum or a petroleum product excluded from the definition of ‘hazardous substance’, or is defined as mine-scarred land.”
FDL Ordinance #04/06 - Brownfield Oversight and Enforcement
The Brownfield Mission
- Protecting the Environment – Addressing Brownfields to ensure the health and well being of America’s people and environment.
- Promoting Partnerships – Enhancing collaboration and communication essential to facilitate Brownfields cleanup and reuse.
- Strengthening the Marketplace - Providing financial and technical assistance to bolster the private market.
- Sustaining Reuse - Redeveloping Brownfields to enhance a community’s long-term quality of life.

For public record TERP or any other information contact:
David Smith
Brownfields Specialist
Fond du Lac Environmental Program
218 878 7119
Email Link